Michalis Krinou | 2025
I am a CGI Artist with a PART II Masters Degree in Architecture. I am very interested in all the aspects of Architectural Visualisation and AI technology.
EVOLUTION AS A CONCEPT OF A FUTURE UTOPIAN RISE REFERS TO THE EMERGENCE OF A HIGHLY EFFICIENT AND ECOLOGICALLY BALANCED SOCIETY THROUGH THE RISE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL CLASSES WHICH GIVE BIRTH TO A FAR MORE SOPHISTICATED INFRASTRUCTURE - AN OCCURRENCE OF WHICH IS REALIZED AS AN INTELLECTUAL EVENT HORIZON, WHERE HUMANITY TRANSFORMS AND ENGAGES A NEW PURPOSE FOR THE RISING FUTURE The 1st stage of images will part of a more conceptually driven city with a more exaggerated interpretation of visual approach to emphasize on the rapid technological growth of cities in developed countries. The 2nd stage of images will be a more direct approach that suggests more practical solutions and architecturally designed buildings within a green environment. ‘It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity’ (Quote 1, Albert Einstein) Jack Fresco a leader of technology and engineering future thinking imagined a future of technological and sustainable supremacy within the world, free from government limitations. He envisioned a future where transportation would be revolutionised and people would live in high tech building structures within nature, revitalising the whole structure of society as we know it. The Venus Project was inaugurated by Jack Fresco and is a non-profit organization that recognizes the important connection between global resource mismanagement and problems such as war, climate change, poverty, and hunger. In the broader context, these are all detrimental results of the current socio-economic operating system. In response to these challenges, this organization presents solutions through the holistic application of science and technology, a systems approach, and living within the carrying capacity of earth’s resources. If applied wisely under the current constraints of energy and material sources, it could hold the potential to make far-reaching positive impacts by utilising all the necessary resources to promote and engage a strategy in restructuring the architecture and engineering of such societies in the future world. Visionaries, futurists, physicists and scientists believed that the world we inhabit can become a new reality through the advancement of technology, restructuring the whole economic and technological approach that our world depends on and relies on the progression of such systems to allow the evolution of humanity. Transportation, utilisation of resources and the integration of new technological breakthroughs for our survival can become realisable through the industrialization and redevelopment of better and highly advanced societies and adaptive sustainable architecture through nature. Future infrastructure is rapidly changing. Look at Dubai's artificial and highly advanced technologies that have changed the way a society has been organized according to the planning and construction of artificial cities, buildings, train stations and road infrastructure. What if better feasibility studies and research could lead to an advancement on futuristic arrangements that could take place in the forest and mountains, using nature as a resource hub for the production of crops, growth of organic food supply, solar based glass dome enclosed greenhouses, aquaponic and hydroponic systems, geothermal engineering that could capture the heat beneath by harnessing heat from the earth's crust to power electricity-generating turbines for the use of other transportation facilities such as supersonic trains or even hyperloops which would provide eco friendly travelling solutions with 0 carbon dioxide emissions, whilst all leading to the total regeneration of a holistic versatile use of an eco friendly and highly renewable energy efficient communities. What if? Could this happen? Technology needs to be changed in the way its used and bring a positive transformation. Everything should work together and become one through an intelligent, progressive, careful planning within a harmonious cultural hub of different populations that can fully coexist and adopt technology through nature. The future is part of what humanity exists, thrives and depends upon it. It is inevitable to stop the future from expanding and developing throughout generations. The need and commitment for what ‘it’ is worth has to promote and provide innovative and far, far more eccentric ideas-composing and compiling the fundamentals, features and characteristics which will inevitably create something better, symbiotic and harmonious for what is thoroughly expected. Cities, towns, small neighbourhoods and in general the earth that we now inhabit is part of what could become a larger and sophisticated living environment depending upon the evolution of urban, rural, modern, globalized, spatial and utopian infrastructures which will eventually control our future habitable societies. Marxist’s critical thinking was significant regarding his respect to the Utopian forms and the future construction of sufficient communities which spread along the mapped world. Having a vision of the future, realizable or not; the impulse to speculate about the future using one’s hopes, wishes, wants and dreams; and the construction of one’s vision out of just such materials complied to what generally has and is yet becoming a form of suggestive scenarios and critically progressed architecture. (The Utopian Vision of the future (Then and Now): A Marxist Critique Bertell Ollman ) Our society will play an important role to the broader conceptualization of what has never been built but still visualized and critically presented in such constructive ways where our humanity has already begun to realize and act upon them. In relation to the future aspects, an important part of what has become the ingredient; of an evolutionary world and has brought up the aesthetics and confrontational irregularities of theory and speculative forms of architecture, is what we state as the ‘history of the past that conquered rationality’. Based on the above, an unresolved theoretical concept that rises upon questions is: if these visions and predictions help to improve and conquer the individuality of the current world that we were entitled to live and expand, into far more sophisticated and innovative tendencies of the architectural and historical revolution for the rising future, would they be able to survive long enough to sustain and adapt these environments up to a level where everything could be managed successfully? The question will stay unresolved as we do not yet know the reality and the rational side of the outcome. Almost all researches, artists, architects and conceptual scientists have been going through hundreds of possibilities that could enable humanity to adjust new requirements for what is worth relying for the coming generations. From what we have realized so far by understanding and identifying rules used in the past until the present time is that the term of the imaginary has raised so many questions and solutions for the unfinished purpose of engaging and transforming the reality into a form of progressing events, some of which have never been created and others which are currently being explored. Change, and in particular transformation—one form changing into another—is not simply a matter of the alteration of an existing form to create a new one. Rather, change creates what we could call a third form, really a third state which is the state of changing, itself. We are so accustomed to thinking in dialectical, binary terms, employing either-or reasoning, that we overlook or consciously avoid the in-between state of change, which is really the state we continuously inhabit. (Lebbeus Woods). Based on the principle and the scenario of changing the present world into a future state, whatever the implications and consequences may be, it will eventually require a certain form of architectural and technological adaptability for identifying and relying on solutions that will become the initiative structure for improving and sustaining the environment and human life as we know it. Moreover, based on the above statement it is a certain fact that with the rise of such evolutionary technological inputs and the stretch of a far more productive architectural and design interference within the industrial world there will be a considerable amount of social, political and economic diversities leading to new immediate directions of Utopian or Dystopian and Urban challenging societies. Comparing previous technologies and the ones rising in a fast trend in the field of science, engineering and the art of profession leading to the improvement of knowledge in an expansive, cultural range, it is definite to state that this will become part of a subservient approach to the upcoming sophisticated and relentless generations. Neom cities have now become incredibly popular due the immense technological but also economical input. Several countries are trying to revitalise and bring tourism forward through a financial increase in the infrastructure Industrial sectors in combination with a push in technology by introducing immerging highly advanced ecological architectural designs and eco friendly transportation methods that would allow people to live in harmony through a more Utopian nature based and well planned society. Taking into account such concepts I have designed the first stages of conceptual NEOM cities which would be fully integrated within nature and bring eco elements in the architectural phase. Based on those assumptions and arguments, regarding how our world could be transformed in the coming generations more radically, perhaps with an exaggerated response to humanity's existence, I have developed a set of images that show what a highly self sufficient eco Utopian society could look like in a far more technologically advanced future.
By utilising the principles present within the natural environment, this can provide us with a new emerging field of bio-design, a link between the built and natural world, thus creating new methods of design intent and an evolutionary stage of responsive architecture. This gives us the opportunity to explore new ways of transforming the ecological imprint. This would mean a more biodiverse, contemporary and technologically advanced material culture. This would predominantly question the creative opportunities induced by the appropriation of a profoundly more intelligent metamorphosis of the built infrastructure. Concepts will be focused on the biomimetic and bioluminescent properties of these structures.