
Ritualistic Articulations

Year: 2022

Skills: Rhino, Illustrator, Photoshop, Dimension5

The relationship between a project and its site can be much more than simply resting on it. The exploration of contrast and cohesion through rituals inspects this. The rituals associated with different tasks took on specific orientations; the sky above and the horizon below. These were thrusted into a site which had previously been made using interlocking forms that were pulled apart to reveal new spaces where the rituals would reside. Armatures surrounded the rituals within the site and passage were introduced. The design process makes it clear how small scale spaces can have greater effects, as their relationships to the armatures, passage, and site resulted in great transformations. Not only did the armatures account for space for the rituals, but were designed with consideration for every movement, process, and action associated with the ritual. The site was also transformed to allow for the two considered orientations. The passage then considered the different elements of the two rituals and bridged them to form cohesion between the two contrasting spaces. The use of grids and Escherian space allowed for complex relationships between surfaces and the spaces they formed. Varying orientations and changes in directionality allow for different explorations of how surfaces can be manipulated to shape space. Using grids kept consistency, even through contrasting styles, allowing for cohesion in the end. Escherian space allowed for complex design and the chance to challenge how objects of opposing orientation interact. These systems set the stage for experimentation with contrast and cohesion of elements within a larger site.

All volumes are composed of surfaces which can then be manipulated to form complex shapes. Volumetrically, space pushes and pulls away from the center, thus deciding how volumes are to be manipulated to allow for complex light interplay. Grids are materialized all around the space, starting and ending at multiple faces, compounding complexity at the granular level. Light, as the activating element of architecture, imbues the space with an ephemeral quality through the different array of openings.

The spatial composition is separated into three distinct elements: the rituals and their passage between, the armatures and solids that surround each space, and the structure that holds everything in place. Despite being disparate elements, all remain connected through the volumetric grid in place. Every element is articulated through an imposed 1’ grid that wraps the space from every side, establishing close relationships at every corner. Elements emerge as a combination, or separation, of the grid itself, controlling functions, aesthetics, and effects.

All spaces are enclosed in some sort of environment, no matter the context or scale. At a smaller scale, the floor plan investigates graphically the consequences of spatial organization and the effects of the grid on the composition. Beyond the physical space, the plan is extended to occupy the full visual bounds. This extension creates a new dialogue suggesting new possibilities of approach, enclosure, and interaction.

Even though space and materials remain solid, ephemeral qualities emerge from the way each surface is articulated. Through a delicate and careful consideration of texture, opacity, and location, every surface shifts back and forth from their plane of existence. Space sheds its permanency and becomes a fleeting effect. Furthermore, the space is compartmentalized, unique interactions and possibilities reside within each location.

Space and volume are understood and envisioned beyond their material and physical limitations. The responsibility of the decision making process is never ending. Once the rays of sunlight leave the sun, interact with spaces, and terminate at their final surface/volume, a meaningful experience takes place in between. The volume itself remains light and airy, allowing light to pass through as a temporary visitor. Its value is understood and modified through the articulation and position of each element in the volume. Once the light passes through, a novel composition is created.

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Sabrina Akbarally