Chloe Jean Milana | 2025
An incoming 4th year student studying in the University of Santo Tomas College of architecture, I Graduated from UST senior high school as a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) student where I started my path to becoming a fully fledged architect in the summer of 2019.
The Multi-Modal Transport Terminal addresses the current and immediate needs of our commuters. It challenges designers into questioning the means, systems, policies, and procedures as to how transport vehicles and people co-mingle and operate. By looking in to not only general human behavior but more significantly Filipino commuting attitudes, the designer hopefully apprises solutions that are related to what Filipino commuters demand. One that is gettable, adequate, congenial, and wieldy
Tasked to create a transport terminal design that brings and gives true AVANT GARDE, in which this terminal entices people to commute and enjoy the journey of going to one place and another by delighting the eyes and minds with thoughts of beauty and grandeur in the process. As we investigate being AVANT GARDE, the desire to improve the value of commuting addresses not just the needs for transportation. Commuting, utilizing the various modes of transport, as seen now, and visualized for the future, should be that similarly addresses the visual need for delight, experience, and want. For travel is not merely a necessity, it is after all a JOURNEY.
Jollibee has a planned international expansion located in Russia, in which I as an architecture student has to present the best of the iconic brand where I also show the host city-country the sensitivity of trying to blend with the culture, style, architecture, and traditions of their new location.