
Aysen Sapundzhi | 2025

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Spizzerinctum 0.1

Spizzerinctum 0.1

Spizzerinctum - the will to succeed: vim, energy, ambition a project about unnatural nature The year is 2150. Humans live in dual Metaverse-like online space and digitally augmented built environment. Governments have split into two groups in their global missions. Our efforts to optimize nature are focused on dealing with consumerism-induced environmental crisis on planet Earth, on one hand, and populating Mars, on the other hand. Here I have decided to take an exclusively futuristic look at the possible advanced ways we would be dealing with our environment 127 years from now. First, we have a vast digital platform which encompases all the built environment on earth that we continue to inhabit. We control and navigate everything online with minimum LOD 400. As we walk outdoors we would wear special AR glasses that would help us see the environment - not in the way we have 'abandoned' it but the way we have augmented it and visually-optimized it in our online BIM platform. Second, we now can use artificially created bacteria and whole living ecosystems that would digest plastic and other unnatural materials/fabrics to help us improve the metabolism of our planet. Multidisciplinary teams of architects, BIM and AI specialists, engineers and biologists have designed countless closed spaces in crowded urban areas - from corner booths to big edifices. These controlled places are populated with artificial ecosystems that recycle plastic and other previously non-recyclable materials. Part of these ecosystems are designed in a way that they would thrive well only with temperatures below 0 degrees Celsium, which would give them frosty winter look. These are so-called mini-museums of the lost season (winter). Of course, each and every Spizzerinctum booth/ museum/ building is augmented and accessible as online gallery/ public space. Their appearance is generated in unique way with the help of AI algorhythms, so that in real life they can be seen as massive sculptures and art masterpieces through the lens of Metaverse glasses. Inspiration: Foucaults concept of heterotopia; VESPER BIRD BOX CUBE2: A HUPERCUBE A QUIET PLACE 2

"SANCHITA Cityscape & Warehouses" - the future of our spiritual nature

"SANCHITA Cityscape & Warehouses" - the future of our spiritual nature

Definition: Sanchita - a large warehouse containing all known and listed types of karma Experts suggest that artificial intelligence will impact all technological and material aspects of the anthroposphere. However, could this form of intelligence also influence the spiritual lives of people in various spaces and dimensions? 1. Introduction: Sanchita Cityscape and Contemporary Issues Karma is the only concept in the world that relates to human turmoil in the face of suffering. It is the sole logic explaining the apparent randomness of the world we live in, closely linked to the hot topics of pandemics, war, and conflicts in 2022, 2023, and 2024. How else can we understand the ubiquity of human suffering? How can we comprehend the horrors of war and deadly diseases? Karma operates on three levels: body, mind, and energy, with energy, as we know it, functioning on levels: body, limited space, planetary energy. Architects are directly responsible for constructing spaces that influence people, and soon, with the advancement of technology and known ethno-sciences like Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra, they will be responsible for modeling spaces in other planetary dimensions, such as Mars. 2. Technological Advancement and Membrane Buildings Charged with Visible Energy What was once stored as information on millions of stone slabs, papyrus scrolls, books, discs, and tapes can now be encrypted onto the smallest particle. Soon, technology will find a way to record information onto pure energy itself. We will be able to load memory directly onto the energy of electricity, allowing the electric current to flow freely in space with intent. It will possess information to behave in a specific manner and make specific decisions. The "Sanchita Cityscape Warehouses" project explores the idea of shaping architectural space in the future with semi-living membranes charged with information through visible currents and precisely controlled magnetic fields in habitable vacuums. This project is inspired by "Bubble Architecture" and the Japanese concept of inflatable and movable buildings, similar to which the architectural membranes of the future will be designed. 3. Cities Charged with Visible Energy Karmic information in organisms is encoded in various cycles, the largest of which is the solar cycle, as everything living and non-living in the solar system is influenced by the sun. A person living according to the solar cycle has a life filled with excellent health, prosperity, synchrony, and minimal resistance. Here, the idea is reinforced by the notion of cyclically-oriented Solar Punk Hive Cities of the future, in which these organism-buildings, Sanchita Warehouses, find their development and full life. 4. Sacred Semi-Transparent Energy Spaces and 'Karmic Wellness' In other words, karma is like old software that we unconsciously wrote for ourselves. And, of course, people update it every day. Once this software is written, the entire human system functions accordingly. Based on information from the past, certain memory models constantly reappear. Thus, life becomes repetitive and cyclical. The recalibration of the human karmic cycle takes place in these Sanchita karmic membrane spaces. Energy interventions in people's lives are linked to life in a space filled with vibrant energies and illuminated in some way. There are many sacred places in the world with power. In the energy centers of the future, seekers of spiritual truth and those fleeing from the fast-paced and polluted world can visit places charged with specific visible energy and magnetic energy carrying information to selectively balance their bodies in a certain way. There’s no more religious divisions – only enhanced energy and spirit for all.