Designed by Yuselbio Novas, Elyssa Yonta, Ethan Sedano, and Megan Ung.
Located in Albany, New York RISSE is an organization that helps people of various backgrounds and stories in all different stages of transition. We designed for the continuously changing nature that RISSE has to respond to. This fluctuation required a design that exhibited the same adaptability and versatility of RISSE. Our site intervention organizes flux spaces and unifies the project by connecting disjointed spaces and creating dynamic circulation. We utilized the now-available sanctuary space to accommodate RISSE’s program needs and further their capabilities.
Our flux spaces look to support RISSE in its mission to offer refugees and immigrants a
a smooth transition that fosters independence and equips them with the foundational skills
necessary to thrive.
Risse currently rents the church from a congregation but since the congregation is dissipating, Risse wants to buy the property and make it into a space their clients can call home. The property currently has many issues. The architectural front door of the church is no longer used because the parking lot is on yates street. The site lacks privacy from West Lawrence and yates street and the current site also lacks any type of geometry. A specific type of space our client asked for us to create is a prayer space. Somewhere for people to be alone and pray.