
Torsten Skoetz | 2025

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I am an architect, currently based in Switzerland, I am interested in Art, Architecture, Design, Urbanism, History, Languages, Typography, Cultures and could get my education and understanding of the intertwining of Architecture, Nature and Culture through long interesting travels and my international career mainly in Germany, Spain, Netherlands and Switzerland. During my work I had the possibility to take part in the whole design process from the first sketches, through competitions and realized works as well as via preparing books and texts about architecture. It includes built examples from single-family houses, settlements, market buildings, educational buildings, music schools, churches, hotels,  health care buildings, design of places, and the challenge of buildings for different generations….AI gives me the possibilities to combine architectural and artful desires to explore new fields of design and to continue the storytelling of our history and histories…

Hospitality Architecture
Landscape & Urbanism
Treehouses in different situatios

Treehouses in different situatios

The Huge Treehouse between waterfalls is an architectural project that was designed by me with Midjourney. The treehouse is located in a scenic location and is made out of natural materials, such as wood and steel. It was built specifically for tourists who want to visit the area and see the beautiful waterfall and flora and fauna…

Utopia - there is not only ONE Utopia

Utopia - there is not only ONE Utopia

There is not only ONE Utopia, there are more. It depends on their topographical situation and cultural heritage. New building material has to be developed. It will be possible to float between the planets. Through the new spaces in the Universe and on the other planets probably unknown inscriptions could be discovered. Probably new languages will arise. The health care system is based on new technology that allows people to heal themselves. The educational system is based on new methods of teaching that allow students to learn in a more efficient way. The transportation system is based on new methods of transportation that allow people to travel between different parts of the world quickly and easily and between the planets and the transferpoints in space. Urban farming has to be developed further on.Due to different existing conditions the appearance of the Utopias will be different, depending if it’s on land, existing cities, on the sea,  under water or floating in the skies…based on early utopian ideas of the 16th century, invisible cities by Italo Calvino, Metropolis, Radio Cities etc…