Year: 2022
Category: Landscape & Urbanism
Skills: Rhino, Grasshopper, SketchUp, AutoCAD, Enscape, Illustrator, InDesign
IsoChronic City is an urban response to the recent predicament of what the process of reurbanization in cities will entail in the post-pandemic era. The project utilises datasets interpreted by machine learning algorithms along with spatial computational methods to create urban environments influenced by notions of proximity and walkability within fifteen minutes. The proposal consists of restructuring existing network centrality, fabricating responsive public spaces using topo-geometrical interventions and transforming unused built structures into interactive spaces with additional amenities. The design alters the physical aspects and spatial characteristics to achieve a sustainable, inclusive and accessible city which repeats itself at regular intervals.
Deconstruction of the dense urban neighbourhood signature from the spatial signatures of London which are based on parameters such as population density, landuse, accessibility, deprivation and connectivity.
Segmentation of the site network using angular step depth creating a detailed model of how the definition of a 15 minute city changes as an individual moves along the streets.
The 20 segments derived from spatial computational modelling are influenced through an IsoChronic generative loop created on the selected 4 segments and further categorised into elevated, void and mobile segments.
Development of void segments using spatial modelling process and data extracted from spatial computational techniques to introduce placemaking elements along with interaction spaces and landscaping details.
Sonali Bordia
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