
New Roots Neighbourhoods

Year: 2023

Category: Residential Architecture

Skills: Rhino, Enscape, Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign

New Roots Neighbourhoods is a development plan that focuses on enhancing livability and inclusiveness in the growing and diverse Pinebush Station Area. The cultural plaza is a gathering space that symbolizes diversity and hosts weekly open-air markets, pedestrian-only streets, and small foreign stores. This plan is targeting multigenerational families and new immigrant, furthermore aim for a more diverse community. The development plan prioritizes pedestrian accessibility and alternative modes of transportation by dividing large superblocks into smaller sections and relocating the parking lot to the back of the development. To further promote a welcoming and visually appealing space, a green corridor designed specifically for pedestrians will be created. This corridor will also provide opportunities for community events, outdoor activities, and social interaction. In order to revitalize the local economy and preserve the area’s industrial history, the development plan includes building affordable housing to increase the local population and provide more housing options for new immigrants. The existing factories can provide employment opportunities for new comers populations while promoting land reuse and economic development. Additionally, the abandoned shipping containers on the factory site can be recycled into temporary spaces for community services, promoting environmental protection and economic growth. The structural material for the development plan will be steel reclaimed from local factories, demolished buildings on-site, and abandoned railways and shipping containers. The cladding material will be reclaimed brick from local factories or demolished buildings. This material is versatile, fire-retardant, maintenance-free, and all-natural. Discarded bricks can be reprocessed in factories and reused. The central community green space will be divided into three major parts: park, exercise, and playground. The creek park at the back of the site can help with flood issues. The building that connects to the station bridge will have numerous community service places such as a library, cultural center, small businesses, restaurants, gym, and clinic. Overall, New Roots Neighbourhoods is a development plan that aims to create a unique and inclusive community that prioritizes sustainability, diversity, and liveability.


Building Axo

The project is a new mixed-use development in Pinebush, Cambridge. The program consists of a mix of residential, commercial, and institutional uses, with a total floor area of approximately 100,000 square feet. The massing of the project is organized around a central courtyard, which is divided into four sections by three sets of arches. The project is designed to be pedestrian-friendly, with a variety of outdoor spaces and amenities.


Building Ground Floor Plan

This floor provides basic public amenities for immigrant's relocation to this area. The ground floor plan includes daycare, language learning centre, public kitchen, and some bathrooms.


Building Section Showing Materiality

The section perspective shows the materiality of the building, mostly steel deck, repurposed OWSJ, and steel columns. The building is situated in a dense urban area, and its form is based on the need to maximize use of space. The use of steel allows for a lightweight and durable structure, while the repurposed materials give the building a unique look.


Experiential Moments With Typical Long-term Units

The long-term housing is a modular housing layout that allows for residents to have a variety of experiences in different areas of the home. The layout includes a kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom area, as well as a large open space that can be used for activities such as cooking, playing games, or watching TV. The layout also includes a number of unique features that make it unique compared to other housing layouts. For example, the layout includes a sliding door that leads out to a small balcony, which allows residents to enjoy the outdoors without having to go outside. Additionally, the layout includes a number of storage spaces that allow residents to keep their belongings close by.


Experiential Moments With Typical Short-term Units

The experiential moments that social housing residents experience on a typical day are varied and unique. The goal of this project was to create a series of typical short-term units that would capture these moments and make them more accessible and engaging for residents. By incorporating features like communal spaces, kitchens, and gardens, the units become more than just residences; they become places where residents can connect with one another and enjoy their surroundings.

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Laura Yang