
AI Architecture 2022 - Island of Dreams

Year: 2022

Category: Cultural Architecture

Authors: Daniel Abraham Gandica and Hana Čičević After hours of traveling on water we finally arrived at our destination, the remote island full of architectural wonders to explore. This isolated island is a juxtaposition of nature and architecture, where water, earth, wood, and stone merge into one. We first stepped onto the island at its heart, its lowest level from which the island dramatically hills up towards its edges. At the very start of our journey, we see water centered in the large open space. As inviting the water may look on a hot summer day, we must continue our trek up to the very top of the island. As we walk up the steep stone stairs, it becomes evident that the architecture of the island had to adapt to its dramatic topography. The architecture is equally as dramatic as nature, stepping and terracing up the hill and creating numerous layers of spaces one on top of the other. Walking up the steep stairs is quite arduous in the summer heat, and we need to take frequent breaks. This gives us an opportunity to explore the spaces that are layered at various levels. Each level we visit gives us a more mesmerizing view of the island, both its architecture and nature. But we still have a long journey to make to reach the top of the island to discover an architectural jewel at its peak. As we climb up, we can start seeing the glimpses of our destination shining in the summer sun, tucked deep into the island’s nature. What is it? We are yet to discover, but from this point we must continue our way through the mysterious and convoluted spaces of the inner island no longer visible from the outside. *Images created with MidJourney and Photoshop.


Section-Axonometric of the Island of Dreams

Section cut and axonometric of the Island of Dreams, displaying the different spaces that the traveler encounters on the way to it's peak


Section of the Island of Dreams (Pools)


Section of the Island of Dreams (Observatory)


Pools of the Island of Dreams

The waters that invite the traveler to pause and reflect at the bottom of the peak.


The Observatory

On the upper levels of the island, close to it's peak, the observatory provides mesmerizing views of the surroundings.

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Daniel Abraham