
Miguel Triana | 2025

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Architect passionate about good design and in favor of architecture for all those who inhabit it, I fell in love with this lifestyle at the university, where professors, friends, colleagues and family were showing me every point of view in which they were can understand architecture and I firmly believe that good living and quality of life is found in the space we inhabit every day

La Bricha astronomical observatory. Reunion of the past with the cosmos.

La Bricha astronomical observatory. Reunion of the past with the cosmos.

The search for happiness has taken precedence over the use of reason; Happiness is imposed in every activity that human beings carry out. For its full realization, the activities and actions would have to be guided by the principles in the path of success that would ensure the total satisfaction of the result obtained. One of my passions, always, is astronomy. In it I find peace and serenity with the stars. I explore a world to discover and endless possibilities that open my mind to new opportunities, to experience the meaning of life and a way to materialize dreams and ideals. I mix this passion with my professional vocation; The idea of designing an astronomical Observatory capable of combining the experiences of space and humanity of the architectural project with my expectations was born from them. The observatory creates an environment capable of fostering creativity and ingenuity to achieve full harmony between heaven, earth and architecture. The building will solve the needs raised throughout the investigation. I dare to believe that it is a field that offers architecture multiple opportunities for resilience and development. I establish an astronomical complex that develops and favors the studies of the earth with respect to the universe, the pertinent scientific research integrating Colombia with the world astronomical map designing an Astronomical Observatory in the Vereda la Bricha, border between the departments of Boyacá and Santander for its atmospheric characteristics determining the Vereda la Bricha as a potential astronomical center and regional reference.