Yasmeen Allouche | 2025
I am a recent Landscape Architecture graduate from QUT looking for a kick-start to my career in the industry. This portfolio not only showcases the development and growth of my technical skills but the depth of ideas and themes within each project. As I progressed with my studies, a common theme emerged as I completed each project: therapeutic landscapes. My passion for creating a positive cognitive influence through landscape shines through in one way or another in each of my projects I completed during my studies.
The Phoenix is a masterplan project located in Downtown Beirut, Lebanon responding to the catastrophic explosion on the Port of Beirut. With a contemporary and modern twist on Islamic Garden ideologies, the landscape is intended to provide a space of respite, reflection and tranquillity; a natural and heavenly memorial space to reflect on the event that occurred on August 4th of 2020.
The concept for The Koala Project, located in Shailer Park, QLD, is to introduce the concept of mutualism between the koala species and humans. The landscape is currently fragmented due to extensive habitat destruction and there is no connection or appreciation for the species. The Koala Project is a three-phase strategic plan that aims to facilitate improved koala habitat protection to ensure the long-term prosperity and survival of the city's most cherished species.